Away Team Alpha

Star Trek Adventures RPG Papermini Generator

I have known Wayne “Scarecrow” Peters since the days of the Star Wars Online Journal for which I was a web layout designer and an illustrator back in the early 2000s. I have kept in touch with him on various social media platforms over the years. I discovered last year that Wayne had created an online paper miniatures generator for the Star Trek Adventures RPG! So I made a bunch of paperminis from it. The generator allows you to design your own characters for Star Trek Adventures. I printed out a bunch of Starfleet personnel in the Deep Space Nice-era uniforms. I plan on running something circa the year 2372 or thereabouts. Wayne’s generator provides the option to create characters of various genders, species (still no Horta though), era-based uniform (even Star Trek: Discovery uniforms) and the division colours of the respective uniform designs. Also, one can also customise the […]

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