Reloading Spoons

Thoughts Old and New Spiralling Unheeded

Previously, on Hishgraphics blog… It has been months since I posted. The last published blog post announced of our entire household’s infection with COVID-19. Sorry to disappoint some readers, but we yet live. The infection did not saddle us with severe symptoms. However, I have not posted for a long time and it is time to rectify that. The reason why I have not posted is because I found it a huge chore to conceive blog posts, formulate the text and prepare images. In the interim, besides the week-long COVID-19 bout, I have been for the last two years suffering from eczema, and last week a doctor diagnosed me with arthritic psoriasis whereby my left knee hurt immensely making it hard for me to be mobile. This has (not had) the effect of making it hard to manage my classes in the previous semesters. I enjoy the classes and interacting […]

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Thine Own Self S02E03 title card

STA: Three’s a Crowd

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S2 E03 Three’s A Crowd *** Stardate: 57930.2 – Sat Dec 06 2380 10:50:16 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian engineering officer and mission commander Dr. Thomas Crane, Human medical officer (NPC) Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer (Semi-temporary NPC) Ensign Sparik, Vulcan conn officer (NPC). Previously on Star Trek Thine Own Self… Into the Mushroom Caves Kodar Tamat, Leahmann Barclay, Thomas Crane and Sparik rush into the mushroom forest in the enormous, presumably the Kom-Rhanok towards the central stone pillar of the enormous subterranean cavern.  Presumably they would be able to contact the USS Sienkiewicz. – which is in orbit – from that stone pillar. Thankfully, their hand phasers still work. However their tricorders are limited to a range of 50 metres and the jamming field is still preventing them from calling their starship. Light patches from bio-luminescent moss give the space […]

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