First a Book Review, Then a Painful Yelp

Here is a blog entry in two parts. The first is a review of a book. The second relates a tale that happens the day after the book had been finished. But first, I will complain that my car’s transmission, when engaged, will squeal like a dog but only for a second. Now on with the blog entry. A Collection of Four Tales, Each Attributed to a Season of a Year [[image:seasons01.jpg:Different Seasons by Stephen King:left:0]]Stephen King might write what critics consider the fast food of literature, as documented in the opening paragraph of this essay by Marylaine Block. Why settle for a Big Mac when you can savour cuisine? But Stephen King undeniably serves a very tasty Big Mac. I have experienced two tales told in Different Seasons before, but as movies instead of the written word. I have seen the adaptation of Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption […]

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The Smell of Blood, Finally Realised

Long have I read in books where the author describes of the scent of fresh blood, especially in crime novels where a gruesome murder had taken place, or a horror novel where some unfortunate soul gets his or her skin flayed for whatever reason. Long have I also thought (each time I read such thins) that I know not the scent of fresh blood. Perhaps it was because I rarely visit places where gruesome murders, or supernatural flayings, or accidents in blood banks occur. Recently, during Aidiladha (Happy belated Aidiladha everyone) we went back to Pasir Mas where as it was normal during the celebration, many bulls and cows were slaughtered for food to be given to family, friends and the less fortunate. So there I was at the yard of Ain’s uncle’s home in the neighbouring village of Lati. We were there a couple of hours late, so we […]

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Kaydra Leeronel

A Donovian Technician on SWAG

Here’s Frobi-wan Kenobi’s request which I did on Star Wars Artists’ Guild, a female tech from the rainy world of Donovia, Kaydra Leeronel. Click here to read the request thread. Click here to see a bigger picture on SWAG. Click here to an even bigger picture on deviantArt. Click here to play Chasm. It’s Irfan new favourite game and it has nothing to do with this post at all.

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Hishgraphics H

Two Jabs and Electrically Cauterized at the Crotch

Two days before I got back from Langkawi, I was feeling a slight pain at my upper inner thigh. There was a small growth chilling out there, minding its own business thus far until my excessive brisk walks during the exhibition caused it to be chafed. There was also a slight bleeding to it probably because the thighs sliding as I walk caused a bit of a tear where the not-so-little growth attached to the skin. Several days after returning, on the advise of my colleague, I went to see the doctor to treat the pain. Perhaps the doctor would have some sort of salve or lotion to ease the pain. Or perhaps he would put an adhesive patch over it to avoid further physical trauma to the growth as it (maybe, I thought) heals itself. No such luck. What happened next was… well, you can read the transcript of […]

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Update on Travels

Vin and I just got home from a month-long trip home to Malaysia, with a short side trip to Australia. And we’re staying home now, for a while. So I figure I should first do a little update on the map of countries that I’ve visited. I’ve been to 11 now (up from 8 in 2006): create your own visited country map or check our Venice travel guide The 11 countries are: Malaysia, US, Canada, UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and Australia. My percentage has gone up from 3% to 4% in a year. Woohooo! I think if I hit Russia, China and Brazil, this map will really fill up quick! 😉 In the meantime, we have also visited some new states. Last year I had 27 states listed. This year, I have now been to 32 states (62%)! create your own personalized map of […]

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No lima beans

Time To Get To Work. Oh, and Photos!

Let’s take advantage of the free wifi some more and post new pictures of work. Just like other entries of business trip photos on this blog, there are lots of exhibition booths and models of aircrafts. There are real full-sized aircrafts in the premises but I didn’t take any photos of them. Also, there is an aerobatic display outside which is quite loud and makes it hard for us to work inside the hall. I must be working at exhibitions too long already. Everywhere I turn I meet people I know. The booth below is ours. The 5-sided display stand with the spotlights in front was Shide’s idea. The graphic design on each of the five sides were done by me in .ai format. In the space of about 7 hours, then emailed to the booth construction people to be turned into stickers. Too bad the didn’t put it on […]

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The boat leaves port

I Was Last At Langkawi 17 Years Ago

The best thing ever that could happen is the discovery that this hotel I’ve staying at has a free wi-fi connection. This discovery is nothing less than imbuing me with the ability to post a couple of photos which I took earlier today, from Kuala Kedah to Kuah. We had to leave the car with a shipping company that conveyed our mode of conveyance to Langkawi by ship. Unlike the ferry to Penang, we had to travel separately upon a passenger ferry. The ferry played Resident Evil Apocalypse en route. I fell asleep soon after the movie began. I woke up 20 minutes before it ended. When the end credits played. the ferry was about to begin docking operations at the Kuah Jetty. Here was the muddy banks of Kuala Kedah at low tide. As the water began to rise, mudskippers and crabs plied their trade under the pier. Here […]

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