A Background Element

[[image:crater-element-bg.jpg:funeral service:center:0]] I am working on an ebook cover. The plan is to create separate water colour elements and digitally bring them together for the final artwork. The above is the background element for the piece. Stay tuned for the final artwork and the link to the ebook.

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Shrave Archer

Azamar – Template Art Part One

Over the last couple of weeks I was working on and are now finished with the character template artwork for Wicked North Games’ Azamar RPG. The playable races of Azamar are numerous: Human, Urbane, Tre’uoall, Wyvine, Immyr, Enfri and Shrave. Here are four playable character templates, right here in this post:

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32 Months

Well, this month I am (yet again) late with the entry. The girl is now 2 years and 8 months old – she’s 2 and 2/3 years old! Not long to the big 3! She’s quite the character: [[image:20110322-yaya29.jpg:Hi everyone!!!:center:0]] I have no real excuse – sure, lots of work and all that. But it’s both work and procrastination I suppose. This has been another quick month – we had another trip to New Jersey (and in fact Yaya’s 32-month birthday happened while we were there!), and the month does go by extra quickly when we’re on the road. Yaya continues to amaze us with all the talking and singing. When we’re home we still listen to music while we eat dinner, and there’s lots of drawing. Yaya still refuses to eat most things – no change there. And sadly, we’ve had quite a snowy March. Seriously depressing. We are all getting cabin […]

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