Hari Raya 2024 Hari Raya 2024That year we were in Sitiawan for Aidilfitri festivities The Klang Valley groupLeaving them during Ramadan, we will return to celebrate Aidiladha with them laterHome Team at Teluk BatikThe day after we arrived in Sitiawan, we went for a drive and ended up in Teluk BatikSelamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir BatinWe took a family photo on Hari Raya morning after Irfan & I returned from Solat AidilfitriGnana visitsIt's not a Raya day if Gnana doesn't visit, though it was day trip for him to return to SitiawanGnana and NazriGnana, Irfan, Ain and I visited Nazri next at his homeLumut PromenadeLater that day we went to check out Lumut and take photos thereLumut PromenadeSadly there was no Quark's, Replimat or the gagh seller on this promenadeIskandar and familyThat evening Iskandar and his family came to visitThe Away TeamThe second day of Hari Raya, we had a long conversation with Adik, Yaya, Cik Dik and Ayah Cik on Google MeetWang Ngah and family arrivesAll the way from the Klang Valley, Wan Ngah and her family arrives for a visitKak Neni & Abang Azman’s familyKak Neni was my sole existing cousin when I was bornHeading homeIt's time to check out the new West Coast Expressway, which was not free that day... Posted in . hisham View posts by hisham Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.