SCALLOP at SMSTSP SCALLOP at SMSTSP scallop-2022-01The team forms up before the programme beginsscallop-2022-02The welcome speech at Sekolah Menengah Sains Tuanku Syed Putra at the dining hallscallop-2022-03The Form 2 students prepped for our SCALLOP eventsscallop-2022-04Hisham giving the opening speech for some reasonscallop-2022-05We split the students into three main groupsscallop-2022-06Sri, Farah and I each took lead in our groups in our respective classrooms.scallop-2022-07I had Husna and Aidil assisting me in my classroomscallop-2022-08Irfan was taking photos for me, like this photo of Farah's classroomscallop-2022-09The participants had to map out and explain an island of their own creation, an activity conceived by Sri here.scallop-2022-10The participants give a thumbs up to Irfan as they created their islandsscallop-2022-11They had to think of the features of their islands, including their flags.scallop-2022-12The winning island is the Island of Mages, with magical schools and geographical features.scallop-2022-13The best participant goes to this guy who also expressed wanting to play RPGs.scallop-2022-14Exchanging of gifts between SCALLOP and SMSTSP Posted in . hisham View posts by hisham Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.