Year Zero Mini with the Faculty

One speaker and six participants to the programme

Hisham, Mimi, Farah, Aina, Syafawati, Zulhusny, Juraij

After submitting the proposal for the Bengkel Permainan Lipur Lara untuk Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (TTRPGs in Teaching and Learning Workshop) programme, I organised the event and ran it for six participants today.

I have organised a number of programmes for my colleagues before, but this was somewhat new as the slides I made were in Bahasa Melayu (for the most part). Where is it, you might ask? Give me some time. I will post its own article plus video when I have the time later.

This programme had participants from the Business Department who were exploring simulation techniques that could help with their courses. I hope the talk helped them a bit with ideas for their students.

Aina plays the Historian in Omega Librarians

Talking about how this may help Japanese language students

After the talk, I ran a Year Zero Mini game for the participants, the same game and setting I ran for Pay Fong Middle School last year. But instead of having the Omega Librarians go to Paris, the scenario allowed the player characters to have an adventure somewhat closer to home.

Year Zero Mini – OMEGA LIBRARIANS: Stolen Book Stolen

The players are book retrieval agents of OMEGA LIBRARIANS who has been commissioned in this fictional scenario by Tuanku Faizuddin Library at UniMAP to retrieve a missing 19th century book.

The team consists of the DRIVER, the MEDIC, the BOOKBINDER, the HISTORIAN, the BODYGUARD and the HACKER.

The Driver driving their Toyota Vellfire reaches Putrajaya in 4 hours. The Hacker is able to pinpoint the location of the person who checked out the book out of the reference section 5 years ago.

Upon reaching the location at Pinggiran Putrajaya, the Bodyguard determines that the house is occupied and the front door is open. Suddenly the Hacker intercepts a radio signal: “We have the book. Let’s get out of here!”

The Medic and the Bookbinder go around the back while the Bodyguard burst in through the front door. There are two intruders in black. The Medic is able to tranq one, but the other escapes. The Bodyguard discovers a dying paralysed man in the master bedroom. He calls in the Medic, who successfully save the man.

A black Mitsubishi Triton flees the scene and the Driver, Historian & Hacker pursue. During the pursuit, the team sets up a group video chat as the Bodyguard interrogates the paralysed man. The Historian determines the man is lying about not knowing about the stolen book. The Bodyguard intimidates him into truthfully telling them he had the book for 5 years, then some people stole it from him today.

Zul plays the Bodyguard and Juraij the Hacker in Omega Librarians

Ideas on how TTRPGs can help with simulations for business students

The Driver is able to race side-by-side with the Triton, then she swerves into it. The Triton flips into the greenery before reaching the PICC junction. They all disembark and approach the overturned vehicle. The Hacker puts a tranq dart in the injured man with the book. The Historian believes this IS the book they’re looking for.

Suddenly five men in tactical gear appear from the bushes by the highway, weapons aimed at them. “GIVE US THE BOOK. OR DIE.” The book is a historical tome that belongs to the Perlis Royal Family!

(The Hacker would have detected the armed newcomers if he scanned radio frequencies in the car.)

To be continued? Perhaps – but unlikely.


  • The cliffhanger showed the participants how students are given the incentive via psychodrama to continue their story for another session and pick up speaking skills as they play.
  • I need to upgrade the modified YZM rules for adult (older) players who might appreciate more granularity to the rules.
  • More research is needed, especially for material used for TTRPGs in classroom for the various disciplines and subjects in teaching and learning
  • What sort of training and material are needed for Teacher GMs?
Posted in Role Playing Games, RPG Actual Play, RPG One Shots, RPG Teaching Plays, Teaching and tagged , , , , , , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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