Yaaar! Ye Scurvy Swabs!

Since Sep 19th was Talk Like A Pirate Day, something annually celebrated by Star Wars Artists’ Guild as long as we have been online, I’d thought I’d celebrate by retranslating this entire paragraph in pirate speak, cause you know, you can never have too much of pirate speak… especially during boardroom meetings, being rude at traffic jams and at the supermarket checkout. Translation: Arrr, since Sep 19th was Talk Like A Pirate Day, somethin’ annually celebrated by the sea dogs at Star Wars Artists’ Guild as long as we’ve been sailin’ the seven seas, I’d thought I’d celebrate by retranslatin’ this entire paragraph in pirate speak, cause you know, you can ne’er have too much o’ pirate speak… especially durin’ boardroom raids, wavin’ yon cutlass at traffic jams and at the scurvy supermarket checkout. Ye’ll ne’er get me buried booty! – Mad Sam Bonney (Illustrator, SWAG) P.S. Yaaaarrrggh!!!

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