Admiral Ssp

Star Trek Hybrids

So, I drew some cross-species hybridization as Star Trek aliens are wont to do. For example, Spock is a Human-Vulcan hybrid and K’Ehleyr is a Human-Klingon hybrid. A Tholian-Vulcan hybrid! I only remembered the pointy eyebrows after I finished drawing. A Horta-Cardassian hybrid. No space beneath the silicon-based body for […]

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"My lightsabre is bigger than yours" "Oh shut up"

Star Wars Crossover

There’s a breach in the space-time continuum and strange, giant robotic entities fly through and bring their own war into the Galactic Republic! However, the creatures look somewhat familiar… eerily familiar. One faction allies itself with the Republic while another with the Separatists. With the sudden inclusion of powerful sapient […]

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Holiday by the sea - Day 1

365 Days of Stormtroopers

Thanks to the Official Star Wars Blog, I’ve come across the photo-adventures of a pair of hapless Imperial Stormtroopers on Flickr, TK-479 and TK-455, as they undergo a series of entertaining adventures. The photos are taken by Stéfan Le Dû, who will release one photo a day for a year. […]

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There’s News, And Then There’s News

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city… KUALA LUMPUR — Amid an excited Malaysian public, Proton today launched the first of three variants of its latest model, the MPV Exora.[[image:cheap_exora.jpg:Cheap car is cheap:right:0]] The ‘C’ variant (for Cheap) comes without the frills traditionally included by car companies, like engine, transmission, seats, doors, […]

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Where Do These T-888 Infiltrators Go To Eat?

These different models of Tee-Triple Eight infiltrators below: they’re a different series of endoskeletons from the T-800 and the T-850 (model 101) from the Terminator movies.  [[image:t-888_01.jpg:Bunch of Metals:center:0]] I might have found the exact place where they all go to eat out. [[image:t-888_02.jpg::center:0]]  … which is right around the […]

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