Then we headed for Bukit Jerneh

The Outbreak Aidilfitri II

Previously, on “The Outbreak Aidilfitri”… It has been 12 lunar months since the last Hari Raya and now Eid has returned, just in time for another nationwide lockdown. So that means we are unable to balik kampung again during the festive season. We had actually planned to spend Eid at […]

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Before departing Pandan Jaya

A Two-Day KL Reconnoitre

After the visit to the Translation Institute, Bazli and I split up. He would return north later that evening after the benchmarking, while I had more than a week left to my vacation. First thing the next day, we headed back to Nia’s place from Aiman’s place. Since we were […]

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Sorry Mama

Yaya Creates Art

It is a wonder to see my niece’s Alya’s artistic skills develop, receiving updates from my sister. She is not only becoming quite the artist, but her skills in digital art using rudimentary art tools are now very impressive for her age! Here are a couple of drawings Alya made […]

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iPad time at the hotel

83 Months

83 months of Yaya! This entry is written two months late so I will keep it short. June was a busy month with work travels for me. We didn’t take that many photos of the kids this month (oops!) but here’s a quick summary. Food status: I don’t believe Yaya […]

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Buh-bye tooth!

Yaya loses a Tooth!

Yaya lost her first baby tooth today! June 18, 2015. She is a little over a month shy of her seventh birthday! So the wiggly tooth that has been wiggling for months has finally fallen out. Yaya’s permanent tooth has already sprouted (and quite advanced too!) behind the line of […]

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82 Months

82 months of Yaya! [[image:2015-yaya82month-13.jpg:Yaya and Adik:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions I’m feeling pretty proud of myself in that it’s not yet the middle of July (only the end of June) when I’m writing this entry! I will count this as a win! 🙂 May was another […]

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Rafe – 40 Months

And so Adik is 40 months old! [[image:2015-adik40month-03.jpg:And he’s excited about it!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions It is mid-June and I am yet again very very late in writing Adik’s blog entry. All the same reasons and excuses as the previous months. I can’t turn back time […]

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81 Months

81 months of Yaya! [[image:2015-yaya81month-09.jpg:Artsy selfie:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions It’s the same old story of super late writing of the entry. April entry written in mid-June. But that’s how it’s been going lately. So we’ll keep this entry brief, and focus mostly on the photos. We […]

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Rafe – 39 Months

And now Adik is 39 months old! [[image:2015-adik39month-10.jpg:Happy little boy, up close:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Somehow I am getting more and more delinquent – it is mid-May and I am just now writing this March entry. Oh well. Here are the basics for March, Adik’s 39th […]

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80 Months

80 months of Yaya! [[image:2015-yaya80month-13.jpg:I was framed, I say!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions It is mid-May as I write this and so I will keep the chatter brief. March was another busy month where I had my very first taste of having a “real job”. I had […]

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Rafe – 38 Months

Here are Adik’s 38-month photos. [[image:2015-adik38month-05.jpg:My happy little boy:center:0]] Mouse over the picture for captions. So, when I mentioned in last month’s entry that we were moving to the smaller entry, I really meant it. Especially since I am writing this so late it is practically April. So let’s stick […]

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79 Months

79 months of Yaya! [[image:2015-yaya79month-02.jpg:Peekaboo!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions February was another crazy busy month. I traveled (without Vin and the kids) 2 out of the 4 weeks of the month. In fact, I’m writing this entry so late that it’s almost April now and I’m only […]

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Scenic Silver Springs

While we were in Ocala, Florida on a work trip, the local colleagues recommended that we visit Silver Springs, Florida and try out the glass bottom boats. So that is what we did! It was not far from our hotel (one town over) and quite convenient, and as it turned […]

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Rafe – 37 Months

Adik is 37 months old! [[image:2015-adik37month-09.jpg:Winky boy!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions As mentioned in last month’s entry, we are now moving to the smaller entry for Adik, where we just round up his month and choose photos from the entire month rather than documenting how he spent […]

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