Carcosa Seri Negara

The Laundry: Infiltrating a Carcosa

The Laundry RPG Episode 4 Infiltrating Carcosa Dramatis Personae Badrul, Antiquarian (Bazli) Jijah, Spy (Yuzie) Lucy, Military Officer (Farah) Ray, Linguist (Noriha) Talhah, Hacker (Rizal) Note: For this section of the game session, I created a random encounter table with a simple success/failure dice roll, just to see what went […]

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The Laundry: An Unbelievably Wooden Dialogue

Episode 2 An Unbelievably Wooden Dialogue Previously, the agents that comprised Team Bunga Tahi Ayam and their de facto field supervisor Puan Izani travelled to Ulu Yam to investigate the disappearance of Team Bunga Kemboja Capital Laundry Services (Malaysia). Their investigations led them to a kedai runcit owner named Sabri […]

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The CIL tabletop RPG group

The Laundry: The New Normal

Episode 1 The New Normal Two weeks ago, my colleagues from the Centre for International Languages and I started with a session zero. Today, we played our first actual The Laundry RPG session. A group of language teachers attempted to play as a group of ultra-secret government intelligence agents trying […]

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