Rafe – 41 Months

The boy is now 41 months old! Almost 3 and a half! [[image:2015-adik41month-07.jpg:Happy roti canai-filled Adik:center:0]] That is the face he made after eating his fill of roti canai at the Straits of Malacca. * Mouse over the pictures for captions May was a very busy month, bookended by trips […]

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Rafe – 39 Months

And now Adik is 39 months old! [[image:2015-adik39month-10.jpg:Happy little boy, up close:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Somehow I am getting more and more delinquent – it is mid-May and I am just now writing this March entry. Oh well. Here are the basics for March, Adik’s 39th […]

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80 Months

80 months of Yaya! [[image:2015-yaya80month-13.jpg:I was framed, I say!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions It is mid-May as I write this and so I will keep the chatter brief. March was another busy month where I had my very first taste of having a “real job”. I had […]

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Rafe – 38 Months

Here are Adik’s 38-month photos. [[image:2015-adik38month-05.jpg:My happy little boy:center:0]] Mouse over the picture for captions. So, when I mentioned in last month’s entry that we were moving to the smaller entry, I really meant it. Especially since I am writing this so late it is practically April. So let’s stick […]

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Rafe’s 25 Month Birthday

The boy is twenty-five months old now! [[image:2014_0129_rafe02.jpg:Happy Adik!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Speech status: it is unbelievable how many words the boy can say. He is also formulating his own sentences and is a master of imitation. For instance, when we need to give Yaya a […]

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Christmas 2013

So this year we decided to participate in the Christmas tradition. Yaya is old enough now to enjoy it and in fact, she asked for it. So here we go! Our first family Christmas. Also, since we have had a lot of work travels in recent months, we decided to […]

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64 Months

So we are now at 64 months! [[image:2013-yaya64month-04.jpg:Love this shot!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Food status: Yaya tried one new food this month! Honey. She finger tasted it. I have hopefully convinced her that she should try eating pancakes with honey when I next make it. Let’s […]

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Rafe’s 22 Month Birthday

Only two months until the big second birthday for the boy! 🙂 [[image:2013_1029_rafe18.jpg:Happy Adik!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions So another month has passed, and in two short months, the boy will turn two. It is just amazing how quickly time has flown and how busy (and exhausted) […]

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Rafe’s 18 Month Birthday

Here we are at Adik’s 18 month entry! The boy is now 1 and a half years old! [[image:2013_0629_rafe22.jpg:Short break in the action:center:0]] * Mouse over the picture for captions Adik is now fully mobile – walking, running, and climbing. He can now manage to walk down the stage steps […]

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Rafe’s 14 Month Birthday

And here it is not even a third of the way through March and Adik’s 14 month entry is here! As always, thanks to the gods of backdated entries! [[image:2013-adik14month-02.jpg:Look at all my teeth!:center:0]] Adik has at least seven teeth, possibly eight (although the eighth is unconfirmed at this point). […]

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Rafe’s 13 Month Birthday

Another month, another very late blog entry! Again, we give thanks to the gods of backdated entries (whee!). [[image:2013_0129_rafe27.jpg:Drooly cutie pie:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions This month, Adik went from walking a few steps in a row to a pretty consistent walker. He walks all over the […]

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49 Months

And so, another month has passed. Time does not march on, it flies faster than a speeding bullet. Four years and a month old. The darling of our lives, la reina del punto azul, the director of our plays and part-time adorable tot, part-time berserker dictator. [[image:2012-yaya49month-02.jpg:Arrrr mateys!:center:0]] * Mouse […]

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47 Months

One more month till the big birthday!! Can you believe it? We certainly cannot! [[image:2012-yaya47month-04.jpg:Princess Yaya is almost 4:center:0]] We had another activity filled month – the 5 days Zarin was here were quite busy (more on that later). I know, I still owe entries on Jo’s visit, but I’ll […]

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Rafe’s 4 Month Birthday

Here we are, at the four month mark. He’s just getting so big now! He seems to be just growing up almost too quickly! [[image:2012_0429_rafe14.jpg:I’m droooooling!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions He went out to dinner with us and was quite sociable – he was passed around the […]

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Rafe’s 2 Month Birthday

Despite the date on this entry, it has been a long time since the boy’s 2 month birthday. It’s been a crazy busy time, but definitely a wonderful, and exhausting time for Vin and me. Just look at this entry as a way to show some cute pictures of Rafe […]

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42 Months

It has been a milestone month for everyone! Yaya spent her first month as Kak Yaya (big sister Yaya), and we all had to adjust to having Rafe in our lives. And now the girl is officially three and a half years old! Halfway to four! Craziness right? [[image:2012_yaya_42months_01.jpg:Our beautiful […]

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