Doom Agents 2023

Doom Agents: Stealing Crate 037

We had the room at the library for 2 hours. The group activity with my students took only 30 minutes. So, I introduced them to tabletop role-playing games. I thought that using Mini-YZE (with my own mods) would make it simple for them. Easiest setting to run for new students […]

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The title card!

Mini Six: Rescue in the Rainforest

Mini Six: Doom Agents 03 Rescue in the Rainforest Last time on Doom Agents, four operatives sent to investigate the Eternitech factory deep in the South American rainforest located by the Amazon river had been captured by Eternitech’s security forces led by Hideo Eguchi. After an enemy flashbang grenade did […]

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Mini Six: Debacle in the Amazon

Mini Six: Debacle in the Amazon

Mini Six: Doom Agents 02 Debacle in the Amazon This marks the first time my students have played a second game in a single campaign, although they all played new characters because of a TPK in their first session. Dramatis Personae Agent Trolala Zelimkhanov, a Chechen driver – Nasha and […]

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Mini Six: A Day By The Sea

Mini Six: A Day By The Sea

Mini Six: Doom Agents 01 A Day by the Sea For the third time I ran a tabletop RPG session for my class using the Mini Six system, and this time I have integrated it with the English curriculum we had. The week’s lesson theme was Natural Disaster and I also […]

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