Hishgraphics H

University Exam Hijinks

Last Friday, I was all prepared and psyched up to head on down to Unitar for my first mid-term examination paper for this semester. It was LAN 0023 Islamic Studies. I double checked the Excel file they’d emailed on the 11th and confirmed that the time and place for the last time. Left the house at 8.10 am to make the 9.00 am exam. Made it there with 15 minutes to spare because it was Nuzul al-Quran, Selangor had a public holiday and the streets weren’t that filled with Kuala Lumpur’s accursed traffic. Got a great place to park right in front of where the exam is to be held. Then I walked up to the exam timetable Excel printout they posted on the bulletin board. I discovered to my horror there were no exams scheduled for last Friday. (Though it took about 5 minutes for the horror to set […]

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