Chronicles of the Wild Gundark

Chronicles of the Wild Gundark Part II

Continuing the saga of the Wild Gundark crew: Nisa pulled on her control yoke and told her passenger (and her wary crew), “Let’s get to work.” Similiv turned to the comm board as the ship’s nose turned the way Nisa directed it. And she discovered that a colossal object blocked her entire forward viewport. Something grey. Something wedged shaped. Something over a kilometre and a half in length. Something ominous. It seemed to them that the ship’s cabin temperature dropped several dozen degrees. “An Imperial Star Destroyer!” And now the continuation of the story based on the Star Wars RPG campaign: The Star Destroyer, Nisa Dyaton noticed, had deactivated running lights. And most of its hull viewport were dark. Tell Sabarin finally commented, “The ship is brand new, probably fresh off the manufacturing drydock, with minimal security and maintenance crew. It’s awaiting inspection before a crew is assigned to it.” […]

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