Summer Vacation on Zeltros

Summer Vacation On Zeltros

SWAG’s Theme Art Contest for this month is in the bag, with two points in mind: 1. Terras’ title suggestion, which is My First Summer Vacation on the Planet Zeltros. 2. Darren’s suggestion of using Team: Sabredart imagery once again. Click on the thumbnail for a full-sized pop-up. The Team Saberdart are, from left to right: Raeree Giin – Iktotchi Jedi Knight and de facto leader of the rogue Republic Intelligence task force, Jerec-Kargin – Team medic without his ancient Mandalorian armour here, Harloth Graf – Naboo trooper seconded to Republic Intelligence during the Clone Wars, BU-77 – Genetically altered Kamino-manufactured clone, and former ARC Trooper who lisps, Cassie – Teenaged hellraiser, picked up after the team went rogue, and behind them all, Mavik – Teltior hit man, skilled with the knives, also a latecomer to the group.

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