Torchwood Is An Anagram, See?

Some TV stuff: [[image:captjack.jpg:Captain Jack is looking for a sex-addicted gas alien:center:0]]I’ve seen the pilot of BBC’s new Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood and I like it so far. The production design is leaps and bounds better and a far cry from the time Tom Baker was the good doctor. It follows the adventures of the Torchwood Institute branch dubbed Torchwood 3 which is based in Cardiff. Apparently Torchwood One in London was destroyed in a recent Doctor Who episode (which I haven’t seen), Torchwood Two is in Glasgow (with a “very strange man”), Torchwood Three are the protagonists led by Captain Jack Harkness a former Doctor Who companion and Torchwood Four is… missing. We get to see the weirdness of the investigations (which involves aliens and other strange things slipping through a rift in and around Cardiff) through the eyes of newbie Gwen Cooper. In other news, Heroes‘ Hiro has […]

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