Tok Bah with a melee weapon

There Were Trees, Fruits Grew Off Them

The previous weekend, we were all at Pasir Mas where Irfan’s cousin’s kenduri transpired. However the kenduri photos are still in Cik Emma’s camera so we have instead for this post photos of a bunch of folks (namely Irfan’s Tok Bah, Abang Kie, Emma, Ain and I) invading Tok Bah’s orchard. The invasion would end in the acquiring of several large baskets full of dokong and manggis! The English name for manggis is well-documented and known to us since we were young. However, I can’t for the life of me find out what dokong (also spelled dukung) is in English. So, what could Ain be looking up at? Anyone? Anyone? If you look real hard you can see a plastic bucket among the leaves. Tok Bah is filling it up with the dark purple shells of manggis filled with sweet, juicy white flesh within. Next tree over, bunches of dokong […]

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