First a Book Review, Then a Painful Yelp

Here is a blog entry in two parts. The first is a review of a book. The second relates a tale that happens the day after the book had been finished. But first, I will complain that my car’s transmission, when engaged, will squeal like a dog but only for a second. Now on with the blog entry. A Collection of Four Tales, Each Attributed to a Season of a Year [[image:seasons01.jpg:Different Seasons by Stephen King:left:0]]Stephen King might write what critics consider the fast food of literature, as documented in the opening paragraph of this essay by Marylaine Block. Why settle for a Big Mac when you can savour cuisine? But Stephen King undeniably serves a very tasty Big Mac. I have experienced two tales told in Different Seasons before, but as movies instead of the written word. I have seen the adaptation of Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption […]

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