Obviously that sun's not there in the game

Hunting Pirates – Bad Example, Episode 2 Part 2

Episode 2: Crab Meat Beach Party IV Continued from Part 1 Ever the diplomat and unable to shoot from the back of the column, Hunter Maelstrom climbed up the nearest tree to get a clear shot as well and yelled, “Don’t shoot! It might be friendly.” Annie the Trianii brandished her talons and attempted to perform an acrobatic leap over the droid Weapon-X and the Trandoshan chef Ssssawar to get to Aden. Unfortunately, she slipped and fell face down in the dirt. Weapon-X was still trying to bear his blaster rifle on the creature, but Aden’s military skills prevailed. His DC-15 rifle was up and he fired, but the bolt slightly grazed the side of the creature’s head. Sharp, slimy teeth centimetres away from the clone’s throat, Ssssawar stepped in and swiftly punched the beast hard at the side of its head. It fell into a heap on the carpet […]

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Allie’s 10 Month Birthday

My goodness, I can’t believe that is is already June. Allie was 10 months old on May 22nd, and yes, I know it is now June but here it is, Allie’s 10-month birthday post. It’s later than it usually is because the month of May has been very busy for our little family. So let’s get to it. Allie is 10 months and 11 days old today! 45 weeks! She has been ex-utero longer now than she was in-utero. She sleeps through the night most nights and has a grand total of one tooth! Wheeeeee! [[image:allie264a.jpg:Blueberry-stained and happy:center:0]] Can you see the tooth in the picture above? Allie’s personality is definitely becoming more and more defined. She is mostly easy-going and easy to please. She sits by herself to play often, and loves to be read to and sung to. She now stands (with help) and “dances” to the Bingo […]

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