Allie’s 13 Month Birthday

Behold, a mosquito bit the 13-month-old Allie’s cheek! [[image:allie361a.jpg:Mozzie bit me!:center:0]] Allie was 13 months old last Saturday August 22nd, also the first day of Ramadhan. She’s had another month of a full-time Mama since I am still in-between projects. And today, Allie is 13 months and 6 days old and it is the last day of my “summer break”. Both sad and glad about it. 🙂 Anyway, another action-packed month has passed by! I can’t believe that even without work, our days are so full and busy, and time still flies like nobody’s business! Allie has been busy growing and exploring her world. She is a pretty fast crawler, and is pulling herself up on furniture, and especially loves to run around the house holding our hands (which is terrible for our backs!). She’s still a little scared to try standing and walking without support, but we think she […]

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