
[[image:dc-guy.jpg:One punch?:center:0]] Who needs a proper bed when you can create one from your power ring? Guy is currently assigned to the planet Oa in Space Sector 0. He also runs a bar and restaurant there where all the ringslingers hang out or go for a meal. He’s also from Baltimore, so I wonder if he liked watching The Wire on TV. For a larger image, click here.

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[[image:dc-john.jpg:Semper Fi:center:0]] Here’s Hal’s partner John. He’s an architect and a former U.S. Marine. Now he spends time ringslinging and patrolling Space Sector 2814 looking for and putting down perps. For a larger image, click here.

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[[image:dc-hal.jpg:Martin Jordan’s kid:center:0]]  Hal here is a test pilot for Ferris Aircraft. Somehow he has plenty of spare time from his day job to moonlight as an officer of the Green Lantern Corps, assigned to Space Sector 2814 with his partner John. Here he is wearing his green power ring in flight looking not at all like Ryan Reynolds. Click here to view or download a larger version of the image.

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Sarg the Gamorrean

A Gamorrean Gentleman

This individual, Sarg, from the Gamorr system was a private request from “Penangallan” of the Holonet forums. As an esteemed mob enforcer, he hopes to someday be a much more refined gentlebeing. This is after he is eventually able to stop drooling all the time.

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