The City of Guradiin Ithural

Cinema 6 is a new D6-based role-playing game produced by Wicked North Games, which uses the OpenD6 initiative released by West End Games. The D6 system, of course, is a long standing tabletop RPG engine which had its origins in the Ghostbusters RPG and developed further with the Star Wars RPG. The first setting book for Cinema 6 to be released will be the sourcebook for the fantasy setting named Azamar. Here’s an excerpt from the chapter “Understanding Azamar”. The co-founders of Wicked North Games have given me the task of coming up with some black-and-white illustrations for Azamar. The first artwork I was assigned with was the exterior view of the Immyr city of Guradiin Ithural. Here’s a brief description of the city: The surface capital of the Immyr, Guradiin Ithural is a work of stone crafting mastery. The entrance to the city, inlaid deep within the southern mountains […]

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