But not in red

A Banner Image

This is some incredulous Hulk, who is said to be gamma-irradiated. Which sounds unhealthy. This was a warm-up sketch using a new brush I recently got with ink. Something is still not right with how I wield the brush. I suppose more practice is needed. Update (May 13, 2011): I’ve coloured Bruce:

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33 Months

I’m just not even going to mention how late this entry is or the reasons why because they’re all the same boring reasons recycled month after month. At any rate, the girl is now 33 months old! 2.75 years old already! [[image:2011-0422-22.jpg:Fashionably bored?:center:0]] Honestly, I like the picture above because we rarely see this expression of calmness and peace about her.  😉 * As usual, mouse over the pictures for captions It has been a quiet and rainy month. Poor Yaya only got to go to the playground maybe twice this entire time we’ve been home (and we didn’t go out to New Jersey this month). Why? Are we just lazy parents trying to raise a couch potato? Well, not quite. It’s just rained almost every day for weeks now. The backyard will be sprouting mangroves and alligators will be migrating there soon. We are all getting such cabin fever […]

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