Rafe’s 1 week birthday

Here’s an excuse for gratuitous baby pictures, Rafe’s 1 week birthday! I’ve included pictures of the boy taken over the past week, including some professionally taken ones that we purchased. 🙂 [[image:2012-0105-rafe01.jpg:Sleeping in his cot at the hospital:center:0]] Note: Mouse over pictures for captions Let’s start with the professionally taken photos. Here’s a subset of them. The company is called Bella Baby and we thought they did an awesome job! [[image:2012-0105-rafe08.jpg:Sucking his fingers:center:0]] [[image:2012-0105-rafe09.jpg:Winky!:center:0]] [[image:2012-0105-rafe10.jpg:Was he posing for GQ or what?:center:0]] [[image:2012-0105-rafe11.jpg:His tiny feet in my hand:center:0]] [[image:2012-0105-rafe12.jpg:Holding Mama’s finger:center:0]] Rafe is such a good baby, much more mellow than his high maintenance sister had been. (When you’re old enough to read, understand and resent this comment, don’t be mad at me Yaya. I am only speaking the truth.) For the first 2-3 months of Yaya’s life, she cried inconsolably for no apparent reason every night, ate in snack-sized portions, […]

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