45 Months

This cheeky girl is 3 months away from her fourth birthday! [[image:2012-yaya45month-04.jpg:Waaaaa!:center:0]] Amazingly, that is what you get when you ask Yaya to cry! She can’t help smiling while she does it :-). Another month of fun-filled days has passed very quickly! * Mouse over the pictures for captions In a similar vein to last month, Yaya has had a physically active month. Not only does she tear around the house at top speed (why walk when you can run, skip or hop around?), she has played soccer and gone swimming at the pool, and gone outside to do yardwork. Lots of fun physical activities. [[image:2012-yaya45month-10.jpg:Having fun catching and throwing the pink ball:center:0]] She plays all day long, and has a dozen costume changes a day (at least) where she transforms herself into a different character. Previously she could switch roles without a change of clothing, but now that she […]

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