The one with the be-earlied pre-Ramadhan party

So since July 22nd fell on the 3rd day of Ramadan, we decided to move up her party to the week before, on Sunday July 15th. We invited our friends and neighbors to what has become our annual cookout / birthday party. We did not have any overnight guests this year as Mandy was busy studying for the Bar exams (go Mandy!). We decided to keep  everything indoors, other than Vin grilling burgers and hot dogs outside. Also, this is the first year that Vin did not have baseball in the morning – it’s a little hard to play baseball with two kids right now! 🙂 And so, the party was on! Happy birthday, Yaya! [[image:2012-yaya4thparty-03.jpg:Graeter’s Ice Cream Cake:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions We cleaned the house and I made the pasta salads the day before leaving only minimal cooking to be done on my part that […]

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