50 Months

50 months! 50 months of Yaya! 🙂 This month’s activities included our first work-related trip (to Chicago), seeing Becky and Phil in Elkhart for Labor Day weekend, Yaya’s first ever haircut (given by me!) as well as the usual stuff that we do at home. [[image:2012-yaya50month-15.jpg:Teapot so we can play masak-masak:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Alas, the girl remains a toastivore and cannot be tempted to even try anything new. She did consent to eat a few french fries so I guess that’s OK but even pizza has fallen out of favor this past month. She remains faithful to her toast, bananas, and milk. On the plus side, we can safely say that the girl does not eat any candy or junk food! We did also learn that Yaya has become a bread snob. She will eat her cinnamon raisin Thomas’s english muffins (lightly toasted with butter), […]

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