53 Months

53 Months! Again, backdated. She’s really getting close to her 54th month, but let’s not go there, yes? [[image:2012-yaya53month-04.jpg:Mama tied a ribbon in my hair:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions It has been a busy month. Lots of work to finish up, deadlines to meet, during the lead up to the end of the year, and then the Winter Break occurred. Yes, I realize I backdated this post, but I am using some photos from our after-Christmas trip (cheater! cheater!). No traveling until after the girl’s actual birthday, but then some traveling after Christmas. As you will see. Yaya is still on the no new games or new toys until she tries something new to eat. She did not try anything new, therefore, she did not get any new toys or games. Kind of nice for the wallet though – you want a new game or toy? What […]

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