Yaya and Adik’s Snowy Adventure

So it started snowing the evening of March 5, 2013, and we ended up getting a significant amount (about 5 inches accumulation), and it stuck around for a few days before temperatures rose and everything melted. I, of course, cursed like the dickens, but Yaya was ecstatic and thoroughly enjoyed the snow. She finally got to go out and build a snowman! The other snowfalls this winter had either been too powdery to make snowmen, or too little snow had accumulated for proper snowman building, or we left town before Yaya could build one. [[image:2013_yasnow_01.jpg:Snowy view from the upstairs front window:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Here are a few pictures of the yard in the snow: [[image:2013_yasnow_02.jpg:Front yard, lonely mailbox by the unploughed street:center:0]] [[image:2013_yasnow_03.jpg:Snow in the back yard:center:0]] The kids went out to play and Vin shoveled a little. It was too cold and powdery at […]

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