57 Months

The countdown is on to Yaya’s fifth birthday! 3 more months! Time passes so quickly – I can’t believe how big Yaya has gotten. Where did my little newborn baby go? 🙂 [[image:2013-yaya57month-09.jpg:Happy girl at the playground:center:0]] * Mouse over the photos for captions Food status: Yaya gnawed on a piece of bread and ate several crusts! Of course, it was the (pricey) artisanal loaf, the French Boule from the Dorothy Lane Market, but it was definitely good. We didn’t even say anything or encourage her to do it, she was biting into the bread and enjoyed it so much she ate it all, even the crusts! We rewarded her for it to hopefully encourage her to continue trying new stuff. Also, she ate another bite of pancake (she had more fun making it rather than eating it, but one bite is better than none) and she also had about […]

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