Rafe’s 28 Month Birthday

28 months old! [[image:2014-adik28month-24.jpg:Yaya is holding my eaw!:center:0]] Caveat: this entry (for April) was written in June. Thank goodness for backdated entries! Also, we kind of forgot to take pictures of the boy to document his day any of those days in April. So this month’s entry will be a roundup of my favorite pictures taken in the last month. * Mouse over the pictures for captions Speech status: Still advanced. He is expressing ideas in full sentences, and is very obsessed with AC/DC’s TNT. I know. So appropriate for a two year old. 😉 Bedtimes: back to a better schedule of going to bed between 9:30-10 PM with no naps. If he does accidentally get in a nap, the bedtime is definitely pushed back almost two hours, despite it only being a 30-minute nap. So from my point of view (being the one who has to get him to […]

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