Not the DS9 Promenade

Salam Aidilfitri from Sitiawan Again

Semalat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Eid Mubarak from the ol’ hometown. From the our household, who are spending the Eid at Irfan’s Atok and Opah’s place. We drove home from KL at 2am. Everyone except Ayah Cik, Cik Dik, Yaya and Adik! Whom we all miss. Lumut promenade at the waterfront was all lit up and filled with merry makers and street vendors. Irfan met Qayyum and they talked about the Transformers. They also saw Transformers the Movie. The last day before we left, there was a gathering of old ACS schoolmates at Nazri’s house. I met old friends I’ve not seen in more than 25 years! We casted off early for our journey back toward KL at 3am.

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