HT-2200 deck plans

SWD6: Voyage of the Fickle Clemency

Episode 03 Voyage of the Fickle Clemency Dramatis Personae Gev Dyson – Bounty hunter (Edward) Ordan Vallas – Minor Jedi (Eduardo) Zor Draco – Former TIE fighter pilot (Martín) Pac Vesme – Former Alliance SpecForce Urban Combat Specialist (Mario) R4-3T – Astromech droid (NPC) The new team of Rangers are settling down on the mountain base on Vandor. However, Captain Goddard & his YT-2000 ship Rough Profits are away on another mission. Their Ops Officer is the New Republic intelligence Major Tailgunner, who calls Zor Draco, Gev Dyson and Ordan Vallas to the Rangers’ conference room to introduce them to a new member of the team. He greets them all, “Hi everyone. My name is Pac, Pac Vesme. I was a SpecForce urban combat specialist. If the action is in the streets, I’m your dude.” Tailgunner says, “Pac here has signed up to help us clean up the Outer Rim. […]

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