The Game Mechanics

My First Freelance Job With An RPG Company

Ever since I got this computer right here four years ago, the one I’m using to type in this entry, I have been developing a portfolio and sending them to companies for freelance work. An industry I have always wanted to work on is the role-playing game industry. There is a list of companies that I send my portfolio to every year, in a cycle. Most ignore my e-mails. Some like Chaosium wrote back with polite rejection letters. Very rarely, I get an e-mail asking for a quotation like the one from Final Sword Productions. But so far, I’ve not getting any hits from any of the gaming companies. Last week, it all changed. Thanks to my good friend Gary Astleford, Stan! from The Game Mechanics contacted me with work. As of today, I am officially working on 6 quarter-page black and white illustrations for Future Player’s Companion, written by […]

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