Allie’s 18 Month Birthday

It’s true! Allie is 18 months old now! She is one and a half years old! (Well at the time that this was written she is 18 months and 10 days old).It happened on January 22nd, also known as Yong’s birthday (Happy belated birthday Yong!). [[image:allie504a.jpg:The angel:center:0]]  Sorry for the delay, but here it is finally, how Allie spent her half-birthday. Allie is all better now, no more strep throat, no health issues there. She’s eating well, and enjoying all kinds of different foods. She’s even back to liking bananas (after months of refusal). She has a grand total of four teeth and puts them to good use – her blue cup has been nibbled on quite a bit. She also went through a phase where she spilled everything she was drinking. I think she was just getting used to her new teeth. She’s getting better at the drinking and […]

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