Allie’s 19 Month Birthday

Yet another month has gone by! Allie was 19 months old last Monday, February 22nd. It’s quite amazing how quickly time flies! [[image:allie529a.jpg:Yaya and Mama:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for added captions  This has been quite the exciting month! For one thing, we have had a lot of snow, both here at home and on our road trips to New Jersey. It’s craziness! (Stay tuned for some snow pictures). And on top of that, Allie just keeps growing and developing. She is eating a lot of table foods and uses the food I make for her more like a base. It’s supplemented with all kinds of different things that Vin and I are eating. Plus she’s drinking a ton of whole milk out of her sippy cup. Linguistically, she may be on the verge of saying “Mama” (fingers crossed). She seems to be experimenting more now and possibly hopefully […]

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