31 Months

It’s a miracle! Only a few days after the girl’s 31 month birthday, this entry is being written? What’s gotten into me? 🙂 Anyways, this past Tuesday the 22nd, Yaya turned 31 months old. Here she is: [[image:20110222_05.jpg:Aww shucks!:center:0]] Another fast-paced month has passed by. We did our first 2011 New Jersey work trip in February, and had a lot of fun. Yaya was chanting “Yaya goes to hotel!” all the way in the car. Needless to say, it was a long 11-hour drive. Poor thing. We kept telling her, yes, we’re going to the hotel but it’s still a long way away. Her enthusiasm was unflagging, “Yaya goes inside hotel!!!!” and variations of this statement occurred. This was also the first road trip where she seemed to really take a huge interest in her surroundings – “Mama, look at all the trees!”, “Mama, look at all the buildings!”, “Yaya sees birds”, “Ni Hao […]

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