39 Months

At 39 months, Yaya is now becoming aware of the seasons changing – the need to wear jackets to go outside, the leaves on the trees turning color and falling off the branches, etc. It’s amazing since last year she really didn’t pay that much attention to these changes. Here she is playing in the leaves. She liked to throw it around and jump around in it, but eventually she did help Papa bag these autumn leaves. [[image:2011_alya39months1.jpg:Throwing leaves around:center:0]] Food status: no change. Potty training score: Yaya 5500, Mama & Papa 400. We had to move her potty chair onto the stage (gradually closer to the bathroom) as she was beginning to just hang out sans underwear on the froggy potty chair in front of the tv for hours on end. With it on the stage now, she only sits on it when she has to go, and for […]

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