Rafe’s 3 Month Birthday

Rafe (a.k.a. Adik) turned 3 months old! His first quarter of the year mark. He has been growing and growing (and maybe getting a little cheeky too!) [[image:2012_0329_rafe11.jpg:Thhptt!:center:0]] He enjoys tummy time and can keep his head upright, looking at things while his little legs kick and push. Perhaps not long before he’s mobile? * Mouse over the pictures for captions Adik is almost fully breastfed at this time. He still gets about 2-3 ounces of formula to supplement the breast milk, and that seems to be working so I suppose we’re in no hurry to change our schedule. Adik flipped from his tummy to his back the day before he turned three months old! It was quite an impressive feat. We think he’s just raring to run around with his big sister. 🙂 He cannot take his eyes off Yaya and will often smile and laugh at her even […]

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