51 Months

And so another month has passed. The numbers are rising! And the girl has definitely come a long way in 51 months [[image:2012-yaya51month-14.jpg:Yaya loved the train ride at the outlet mall:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions We had another fun month, but no traveling this time! A nice stay at home month for us (or has the hibernation begun?). Food status: slight success. Yaya ate home-made pancakes! She ate them dry and without syrup, but she ate them. I made them special Yaya-sized little medallions and she ate some of it. We were terribly proud! We thought perhaps we could springboard from pancakes to other bread-like foods, like naan bread, or nutella or peanut butter on her toast. But no luck. The pancakes were it. So now, as an incentive for her to try something new, we told her no new games on the iPad until she tries […]

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