He's a halfling

BareBones Fantasy: The First Quest

The night before we headed home to Kuala Lumpur from Pasir Mas, Irfan and I decided to try out the BareBones Fantasy RPG. BareBones Fantasy (BBF) is a simple – but intrinsically complete and very customisable – role-playing game engine that allows gamemasters and players to run adventures in the vein of classic Tolkienesque fantasy worlds, with Elves and Dwarves and Halflings and Orcs. I was sent the beta version for my DwD Studios art commission job, so I had a copy printed out the week earlier. It runs on DwD Studios’ own D00Lite system, which only uses the d10 dice either as percentile rolls or total-up rolls. Note: The above is not the actual cover, but something I put together quickly and had printed! Click here to view the skilfully painted cover by Eric Quigley, and to read more about BareBones Fantasy at the DwD Studios’ website. Character generation […]

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