Tacit Ronin

Pacific Rim: Tacit Ronin

So I quickly painted the PPDC Jaeger Tacit Ronin, which was seen for about 0.4 seconds on screen in the movie Pacific Rim, Guillermo Del Toro’s mecha vs kaiju movie which I immensely enjoyed by the way. Check out the larger image of Tacit Ronin on my Tumblr.

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He'll never get a leg up on things

Eclipse Phase: Moose Kipper

Last Sunday, the Eclipse Phase group, playing the members of the Gamera Security hypercorp finished off our investigation of Cloud Nine aerostat on Venus. After their “patron” Kage Musha ordered all GamSec operatives off Cloud Nine so his personal force can take over what seems to be the hypercorp Yamaha-Pacifica‘s illegal weapon manufacturing facility there, Billy Cable Jr. and Hokusai Tarnungshaut pilot their airship back there to pick up DANAI and Wandering Ina, both in the Venusian glider body. DANAI-δ, DANAI’s delta fork in Cloud Nine’s mesh network, masked an airlock from the security systems so DANAI/Ina could jump off the aerostat and onto their airship. (Cable had rolled critical success for airship piloting and was expertly flying the ship, cloaked in Venusian clouds.) Suddenly, DANAI/Ina was/were interrupted by the inner airlock door opening. It hid by jumping off the airlock’s external platform and hanging on to its edge. It […]

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