Fringer Class of '51

Paper Minis: Mos Eisley Aliens

This batch of Star Wars RPG paper minis are aliens (designed by either Stuart Freeborn’s or Rick Baker’s team) for the Mos Eisley Cantina sequence in the first Star Wars movie. These guys were actually at the sound stage as masks. Here are 10 of the unique aliens to be used as spacers, fringers, bureaucrats, mooks or even innocent bystanders. This batch includes the Advozse, Brizzit, Givin, Gotal, Morseerian, Nimbanel, Sakiyan, Siniteen, Snivvian and Yam’rii. And yeah, alien species like Brizzit and Yam’rii are rarely found in other Star Wars literature. We need game and character generation stats for these babies. Mong the species that did not make the cut on this file were Lutrillian, H’nemthe and Vuvrian. The spaceport control office has two astromech droids to aid them in their close orbit and airspace operations. Enjoy! Click here to view and download it from Google Drive!

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