Ain’s Birthday Dinner

Ain levelled up yesterday. She’s gained a year, so we thought we’d splurge a bit on a proper birthday dinner. It would be a proper dinner with proper food, namely burgers. Meanwhile Irfan made his specialty ice cream cheese cake. [[image:2014-ain-birthday-01.jpg:Mixed flavour of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry:center:0]] That evening we went to this burger restaurant at the Ampang Waterfront. It seemed to be a great place to dine on burgers. If I were to go out and have burgers for dinner, this would be the place I’d go to. [[image:2014-ain-birthday-02.jpg:Wish I could do this for Ain every year… can’t even buy her a present:center:0]] Irfan and his Cik Su scour the menu for consumables. Irfan is happy with stuff smeared with tons of cheese. [[image:2014-ain-birthday-03.jpg:As I write this I hear ‘ass thrusters’ coming from the TV:center:0]] A fried egg (or perhaps the interstellar neural parasite that killed Jim Kirk’s brother […]

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66 Months

66 months! Five and a half years old! Whee! [[image:2014-yaya66month-02.jpg:My baby girl!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Food status: No real new foods this month. I forgot to report that last month she also tried a candy cane. This month, she took a small finger taste of the frosting on my birthday cake, but she didn’t go back for seconds. And she has tried the frosting before, so it wasn’t completely new. But that was it for new foods. She claims she will eat chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. So we will have to make it sometime. Unfortunately we still have too much birthday cake in the freezer so I’m not really feeling like I need to bake us yet another cake! Reading status: same as last month. Baby steps in getting her confident. I’m trying to just include it in every day life – e.g., if we […]

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