Yaya loses a Tooth!

Yaya lost her first baby tooth today! June 18, 2015. She is a little over a month shy of her seventh birthday! [[image:2015-yayagigi_jun2015-04.jpg:Buh-bye tooth!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions So the wiggly tooth that has been wiggling for months has finally fallen out. Yaya’s permanent tooth has already sprouted (and quite advanced too!) behind the line of milk teeth (see photo in this entry from the dentist visit). There was even a slight drama two days ago when Yaya bumped her face while playing and the tooth just bled for a little while. Slight fat lip that went away pretty quickly. The drama came when it was time to eat dinner. The blood in the food and drink, that was a huge problem as it turned out. There were tears, cajoles, threats, and negotiations in order to finally get her to drink milk using a straw cup. That […]

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