Rogue One Strikeforce Enteague

Strikeforce Enteague The Movie?

Once upon a time, Shanna Toarinar the bounty hunter stole a captured A-Wing Fighter from the Empire. Soon after, she was recruited to be the first member of the Strikeforce Enteague. Thus begins the Star Wars RPG campaign – using West End Games’s D6 system – that lasted for 10 years in real time as well as game time. Today Lucasfilm released a cast photo of their new Star Wars film: Strikeforce Enteague the Movie*. With Felicity Jones as Shanna Toarinar, Diego Luna as Ace Browning Crossfire and Donnie Yen as Ben-One-Howel. Download the Worlds of the Enteague Sector D6 pdf supplement that I made here! * Sigh. I wish. Sigh. But seriously, doesn’t the Rogue One cast photo looks like someone’s Star Wars D6 (or an Age of Rebellion) rebel commando party? Sigh**. **Siiigh!!! (Just in case this needs to be said: Yes, that is a promotional photo from […]

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