Vader fell off his bike

X-Wing: The Beginner’s Luck Gambit

Last Saturday night’s Star Wars X-Wing Miniature game turned out well. It was Ain’s first game ever so Irfan and I decided to make this a straight up dogfight. No extra cards, no obstacles, no missions. Just blast each other out of the sky with what you have. I played Darth Vader in the TIE Advanced. Irfan was Luke Skywalker in the T-65 X-wing fighter and Ain, to give her an edge over me, flew the YT-1300 freighter Millennium Falcon with the Han Solo card. It turned out that even with Darth Vader’s high initiative number, the Falcon was quite a powerhouse in combat. At first I ignored it and went after the X-wing. We both passed each other at full speed and did a dropkick Koiogran turn, while the Falcon seemed to be swerving out toward the edge of the battlemat. Suddenly she banked right back into the fray. […]

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