Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: The Test of Truth Part 1

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 04A The Test of Truth Part 1 The fourth session of the campaign was run in 1989 but I drew a comic of it some time in the mid 1990s. Because of the references in the first page, I would say this was pencilled some time after I got Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments From The Rim. (Perhaps in 1994 or 1995.) Besides the first page, which is my attempt to establish that stuff happens all over the Galactic Empire, everything else should have happened more or less according to the game. The script is, obviously, not 100% as spoken by the players. Because the comic has 24 pages, it will be divided between two blog entries with 12 pages each entry to minimise bandwidth strain, because graphics or something. Last time on Strikeforce Enteague, a number of handpicked fringer-type agents were assembled and then transferred to the […]

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