I'm actually sad that the course has ended

Students Take Centre Stage

Narrator: Previously on Hishgraphics Blog… Yesterday, my theatre arts students completed their course. In conjunction with the final session, the students and I organised the inaugural Performance Day for the course. We began at 2pm. Ain brought snacks and kuih for the students. Irfan was our videographer, using the department’s camera. The students had prepared for two plays to be performed for the event. The first was “The Midnight Class” where a pair of students find themselves in a replacement Mandarin language class late at night. However, they soon realise that they are the only two students in the class who are… not dead. “The Midnight Class” had a total of 10 speaking roles. The roles were based on the character building exercise we had over the duration of the course. Some lines made the audience chuckle, especially the punchline to the “Why do they call you Jenny?” line. Even […]

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